Even the top tier horse riders and jockeys have their inspiration. They often talk to other professionals and find out about new tricks they might not know from the experts they look up to. It is always better to learn all you can about long trail horse riding from an expert before you hit a trail.
As summer comes, a large number of people will set out on their horses into the outback for camping, hunting, and simple, joyous riding. However, how many of these people are aware of all the tips and tricks of the sport? Are you one of the thousands, who love horses but are unaware of the crucial hacks that can keep you safe on horseback? Keep reading to know more about long trail horse riding.
Pick the right gear
Horseback riding is a delightful sport, but it can turn into a bane if you do not choose your gears correctly. You want to choose long pants, riding boots and the right helmet for your ride. Avoid scarves, dangling accessories that can get caught in the shrubbery and heels.
Focus on insect repellents
Some regions of the US are notorious for their mosquito and fly populations. Always carry insect repellent sprays or lotions if you are going for an overnight trail ride. Apply enough repellent before you leave for a same-day return trip.
Donβt get sunburns
Do not forget to dab on enough sunscreen for some sun protection. You don’t want to return from a long trail ride all red and swollen. Carry enough oral rehydration solution and water for you to prevent dehydration.
Make a connection
It is essential for you to make a real connection with your horse. There is nothing worse than a scared and non-trusting horse on a trail ride.
Mount like a pro
A horse can sense a riderβs confidence. Do not let your horse take control of you. The way you mount your trail horse determines the next course of the journey.
Do not hold on to the reins too tight
HistoryΒ shows that holding the reins too tight can have a negative impact on your horseβs mood and demeanor. Whether you engage in English riding or Western riding, remember to relax your arms.
Thereβs nothing wrong with just walking
While on a long trail remember not to get ahead of yourself. It is best to walk a little instead of being on a constant trot. It is better for the horse’s spirit and health.
Sit up straight
Do not slouch or stretch on your horse. The wrong posture can get you in trouble. Severe backaches are not uncommon for those who do not maintain a straight posture.
Take breaks
Always think about your horse, when the sun is up high, or the air is too humid. You might not feel the tedium, but your horse might want to rest. Learn to listen to your horse’s needs for water, food and rest before setting off.
Stay with the troupe
There is nothing more important than staying with your friends and companions during the ride. Do not trot ahead and do not fall back. Stay within visible range and constantly communicate with your companions.
Horses are sensitive creatures. Always stay in tune and prepare yourself for spending a long time with a horse when you plan your trip to the outback.
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