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Best Tips to Improve Your Website Authority

You can neither buy nor steal the domain of another high authority site. All you need is a great strategy to enhance the authority of your website. You need to put in more effort and practice a lot of patience. The job becomes tougher if you want to grow your domain authority by a high margin. Here are some best tips on how to improve your website authority.

You cannot achieve a good domain authority unless you write high quality content. The content should not only be approachable but also unique. The relevance of what you are writing is more important than how long you have been writing. You need to understand that content is the king in the SEO world as it has the ability to attract and convert visitors. You can use videos, GIFs, and images to make your content more appealing to visitors. You could also use infographics to get your content go viral. Modern SEO tools consider longer articles to be more informative. Make sure you avoid plagiarism while getting your content. Its also wise to increase the frequency at which you are publishing if you want to increase the authority of your website. The search engine is looking for fresh content to give you a high ranking.

  • On-Page SEO

On-page SEO plays a critical role if you want to move your domain authority from low to high. Some of the technical factors that fall under this category include keyword density, keyword placement, and page titles. Maintain a keyword density of 0.5 to 1.5 percent to avoid keyword stuffing. Highlight the main points by using headline tags. Also, pay attention to targeted keywords, permalink structure, meta description, writing keyword rich titles, and image optimization. Good SEO techniques will definitely increase you ranking in the search engines.

  • Internal Linking is Critical

Internal linking plays a critical role when it comes to reducing the bounce rate. However, be keen to link to old posts that resemble the current ones. It will assist the search engine bolts to find the content for your site and crawl them with a lot of ease. Internal links also spread page authority and link juice across the whole website. Both the search engines and users will be able to navigate through the website with a lot of ease.

  • Generate High Quality Links for the Website

It is worth generating high-quality links for your website even though its not an easy process. You need to understand that low quality link will reduce the ranking of your website. Also, you cannot use illegal methods to generate back links and go scot free. Google and penalize your site and you lose the ranking. The best approaches of developing high-quality links are content marketing, social media marketing, guest posting, and high-quality content produces natural links.

  • Disown Bad Links

Make sure you regularly remove the bad links that affect the position of your site in the Google search engine. You can gain quality links by removing spammy and toxic ones. You should have a spotless and clean link profile. There is no need to lose your position in the SERPs just because you are holding unto those bad links.

  • Practice Patience

The ranking of your website tends to increase over time. Faithfully stick to all the above tips as you give your domain sufficient time to pick. Let no once cheat you that he or she can increase your website’s authority overnight. Some SEO practitioners use illegal means of trying to deceive the search engine to give you a high ranking. This will do more harm than good to your website because Google will catch up with you even before you go far.


Improving the authority of your website calls for a high level of effort and patience. The above tips can help you to enhance your ranking in the search engines. The most important thing is to make sure that you use legit means to achieve results that are sustainable.

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Written by Ariana Smith

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