
Major Benefits of QuickBooks Enterprise Cloud

As your enterprise grows and expands, your accounting errands become increasingly complex and demanding as well. You need a robust software solution which is optimized for better network usage and can efficiently process large data files.

In other words, you need QuickBooks Enterprise. Intuit’s revolutionary accounting application has completely transformed the accounting experience for accountants and CPAs, providing them with advanced features such as one-click report creations, quick and easy customization of invoices and forms, and a lot more.

Although QuickBooks Enterprise provides a wide array of accounting features, hosting it on the cloud can amplify its benefits to an even greater extent. The software being accessible from anywhere at anytime provides unprecedented levels flexibility to users.

However, great accessibility isn’t the only upside of cloud-hosted QuickBooks Enterprise. Here are a few more of its great benefits.

No Installation or Maintenance Costs

QuickBooks hosting eliminates the need for users to buy hardware or install the software on their systems. You only need a QuickBooks Enterprise license and web connection to access your data. The only cost you have to bear is the monthly subscription fee that you pay to your cloud hosting provider.

It also provides you with the option to scale server resources based on the needs of your enterprise. Furthermore, users can cancel the subscription at any instance and your data will be returned back to you.

Solid Security

Another advantage with cloud-hosted QuickBooks Enterprise is solid data security. The combination of software and desktop reduces the need for paper records, which makes it a great way to maintain data. However, it stops being great the instant the desktop is compromised. This can happen because of a power surge, a hard-drive failure, a fire or a natural disaster.

Other concerns with storing valuable data on local devices are risk of external attacks and negligence while transferring data which can result in data loss. Cloud hosting solves all such data security issues. A cloud-hosted solution has a number of security measures in place for the protection of data on remote servers. These include multi-factor authentication, anti-virus, firewall, anti-malware, and much more.

Anywhere, Anytime Access

Anytime AccessConventionally, accountants and CPAs had to go through the tedious process of emailing files back and forth. Cloud-hosted QuickBooks Enterprise makes your business mobile worker-friendly by allowing multiple authorized users to remotely access, and work on files simultaneously. It promotes collaboration among users, thereby enhancing productivity.

Thanks to cloud-based solutions, the staff and executives businesses are no longer bound to their desks. They can access critical business data from anywhere, at anytime and through any device. You can easily access your QuickBooks Enterprise software even while you’re travelling. All you have to do is take out your tablet or smartphone, log in to your account, and voila! Through cloud hosted QuickBooks, you can also remain connected with your clients at all times.

Disaster Recovery & Backup

CPAs and accountants are often unable to backup their data because they don’t have the time. With cloud-hosted QuickBooks Enterprise, however, you don’t need to worry about performing regular backups. The system is automatically and constantly backing up all your files and data.

Your cloud hosting service provider keeps multiple copies of your data in highly secure data centers that are spread over different locations. Furthermore, the data center protocol for data transfer is highly encrypted, which makes it incredibly secure.

Loss of critical accounting data can be massively damaging, which is why it’s highly recommended for businesses to have disaster recovery protocols in place. With cloud-based accounting software, the data is stored in remote locations and can be retrieved and restored easily in case of an emergency.

Real Time Collaboration

Cloud computing has significantly improved the way accounting firms collaborate with their clients. Cloud-hosted QuickBooks Enterprise, as we’ve already mentioned, allows bookkeepers, accountants, CPAs and employees to log in and work simultaneously, with updates made on the file in real time. This feature is particularly useful when working remotely.

Streamlined tracking of reconciliation of transactions and expenses enables the efficient management of cash flows. And, the customization of invoices and the generation of multiple reports simplify the data management process.

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Written by Ryan Fernandes

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