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Designing and Styling Your Kitchen with White Shaker RTA cabinets

White Shaker RTA Cabinets are now on trend over a decade and still proving a right choice for kitchen lovers. Basically, with a White RTA cabinet, you feel that there is enough room, easily manageable, and gives you the feel of ever clean kitchen space. In order to add more detailing and enhance the look of your white cabinet kitchen, you can add various patterns, colors, and styles.

White Shaker RTA Cabinets give an elegant look to your kitchen, but when you desire to add more style for special occasions, what styling you can come up with.

Here are some designing and styling ideas for a radiant look to your kitchen

  • Colors

Add some color to your white RTA cabinets, this makes the look of your kitchen interesting. Pick either dull or dark colors for white cabinets, do not mix it. Experiment with different colors and choose the right color that suits the kitchen style. You can add colors to the kitchen with cookware, pictures, kitchen appliances, lights etc. For instance, you can choose black cookware set and appliance for your kitchen. This gives a contrasting look and proves to be a nice combo throughout. Even the fruits and vegetables in the kitchen bring colors and liveliness to your white cabinets. Hence adding colors to your kitchen is a simple but an effective task.

  • Display

Portraying your white kitchen is a simple task as white tone collaborates well with any additions. Like other living spaces in the home, feel free to decorate your kitchen with arts and paints. Hanging your attractive cookware like pots and pans can add some charming effect to the kitchen.

Kitchen Display

In addition, you can bring out the pretty bottles of oils and spices to display. Even a cookbook or flower vases can add some good positive vibe in the kitchen.

  • Decor

Decorating the kitchen will be the most interesting part of designing your kitchen as you can pour your ideas to turn a simple kitchen into a trendy one. When you want a vintage look for your kitchen, you can add more antique items to your kitchen.

To achieve a cottage look for your kitchen, you can include an authentic collection of furniture to your kitchen. Mason jars and retro signs bring country charm to your white kitchen. Wallpapers, wall hangings can help in transforming the entire look of the kitchen. But, make sure that it does not cover the entire portion of the kitchen.

  • Flooring

Perfect flooring gives the excellent finish to your white Shaker RTA cabinets. You can choose between hardwood or an anti-hardwood tile, based on your kitchen style and your taste. When you choose hardwood, you have multiple options such as lighter hardwood, medium-toned hardwood, and dark hardwood.

The lighter hardwood can bring a pleasant feel to the white shaker RTA cabinets, increasing the visual appearance of your kitchen. The medium-toned hardwood will be homey and the final look of your white kitchen will be more appealing. Finally, the dark hardwood without any explanation gives a classic and contrast look when you have white cabinets installed in a kitchen.

With tiles, you have various options for designs, patterns, textures, and colors. So you can design according to the style of your white kitchen cabinet.

  • Hardware

Similar to flooring, hardware that you use for styling your white RTA Β  Β cabinet kitchen is also important. Minimal chrome hardware goes well with white cabinets. If you are not a silver fond person, you can choose brass or gold color finish.

You can also choose a different kind of knobs on doors and handles for drawers. Even a small detailing in the hardware can bring a tremendous effect to the kitchen. You can also try some glass door finish for the white cabinets and this combo gels well to give an elegant appearance. This transparent look can still enhance the stylish look of the kitchen.


An effective design and style can convert a simple kitchen into a trendy one. If you are a cook-addict, you spend most of your time in the kitchen and hence remodeling your kitchen improves your mood while you cook. Apart from that, kitchen space is one of the most notable places in any house and hence it needs to match the current trend. Hope those above suggestions could help in restyling your white Shaker RTA cabinets.

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Written by Mia Jones

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