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Chat Support Outsourcing: How does it benefit both Customer Service


Chat support is becoming the apple of business owner’s eye owing to its two major qualities; easy usage and swiftness. We all know the power and implication of this amazing service termed as chat support, but are we actually using it to its full potential? The correct answer is no. Sadly, there are few businesses that still do not understand the usefulness of chat support. Chat is considered as the top support platform for positive customer rating dominating the negative feedback by a humungous difference.

Chat support outsourcing is also popularizing among the businesses owing to its ability to eradicate the accent challenges. Additionally, there is quite a few translation software that is designed to weed out the necessity of English language usage. So, companies are finding outsourcing of chat support a much lucrative and sensible alternative to choose.

The main discomforts or spikes in this process are large chat volumes, longer wait times & queues and agents handling multiple chats at once. Live chat is a salient piece of support strategy that requires bridging with numerous channels to make it more effective. Proficient companies that offer an impeccable level of service experience move beyond the conventional question-answer scenario.

Let’s walk through the benefits an outsourced chat support provides to the businesses:

Chat should be placed with customer experience in consideration

Just like any other communication dais, chat does not exist in a bubble. Renowned service providers believe in taking a holistic view of the overall customer journey and utilizing the chat feature to contribute to the entire process. Remember that the chat support is crafted to ease the efforts at every stage of the customer journey. Successful reliable chat support outsourcing companies ensure to integrate the chat with other business tasks in order to get access to customer information. This helps in offering solution to the customers’ complaints swiftly.

Bridge cooperation between sales and chat

There is a remarkable indifference between chat support and phone service with respect to the customer experience. It has been found that chat is the communication channel that fosters maximum customer satisfaction. In fact, chat is one of the most impactful support daises that raise the lifetime customer value. Successful owners and managers know that chat can be used to convince or influence customers to make a purchase. In other words, chat support can influence the sales number for your business. Ideal advice to the call center owners or businesses is that they should encourage and empower chat experts with customer-related information. This will help the agents to implement the upsell and cross-sell tactics which in turn boosts the sales figure.

Manage a knowledge base

Chat support offers a great opportunity using which you can collect all the information related to your customers. This information when collected at a mass level forms the knowledge base for your business. Agents can use or refer from this knowledge base to address and resolve customer’s issue with diligence and precision. Managers should update the knowledge base on a constant basis. Another aspect is that the information which is disseminating should be uniform or same throughout all the channels. This provides consistency in offering unmatched service experience to the customers.

Good agents

Different firms have separate agendas to avail the chat support services. A tech-savvy firm such as Apple has a totally different chat support staff from Dominos. Both companies are amazing in offering customer service and hold stupendous repute in the market. Still, their agents would be extremely different in terms of expertise. So, understand your audience and see what sort of offerings are involved. If the products or services for which you are availing the chat support service matches with the skills and experience of your agents, then you are on the right path.


Nothing can replace the level and sense of human touch but chatbots are not far away when it comes to offering chat support service to the customers. Basically, these chatbots work in close proximity with the text-analytic software. These bots are known to analyze the problem on the basis of text entered from the customers’ end and predict the next issue it may lead to.

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Written by Jennifer Aniston

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