
Trade Show Exhibits; The Best Ways To Promote Your Business

Trade show exhibits are the best ways how to upgrade your business. There you can get new customers or reconnect with the current ones, find out what are the newest trends in the industry and keep your competition in check. Nevertheless, it is quite noticeable that most companies don’t utilize all the potentials of trade show exhibits for their businesses’ advancement. Some of the business owners trade shows and conferences as a financial black hole, but it’s not really true. On the contrary, if you use your presence well, trade shows may turn into a phenomenal source of profit. We are here to show you some of the ways in which you can pull out the maximum out of your trade show performance.

Plan Your Goals

The first logical step in the trade show strategy is to figure out what actually do you need, what results are expected and which benefits can be achieved except for those from attending the lectures. The key benefits are the profitable ones, which means the strategies that will make the money go around have the absolute priority. There are several ways to return your investment at a trade show, and you can choose more than one to secure your success. You can use the trade market to connect with leading people in your industry, or pitch potential clients and investors. It’s also important to increase your exposure using conventional and social media and use speaking opportunities too to improve your reputation and influence. Some of these measures will bring you success (in this case money) faster than others, but they require bigger risk and bigger investment.

Choose the Right Conference

Before you start preparing for your presentation at the business conference, you have to choose the one or more of them you are going to attend. This is the matter that doesn’t tolerate haste, and the optimal time for you (or your PR team) to prepare for a conference is 3 to 4 months. Inform yourself about upcoming trade shows using internet database sites such as There are conferences that are mandatory to attend because they’re always successful, and they present a great opportunity for further advance. Good indicators of importance you should pay your attention to are relevancy, good social media presence, big names attending, previous media coverage and so one. Curious enough, Reddit is a great resource for trade shows and has subcategories concerning marketing and trade. After you chose the trade show you will attend, register as soon as possible. A lot of organizers allow for online registration, and some even offer significant discounts, which would say your company a lot of money.

Prepare Accordingly

The vast majority of work needed to maximize ROI on a conference is done before the conference even begins. And that’s a lot of work for your PR management, that’s why it’s important to give them enough time to appropriately prepare everything. We mentioned earlier that it takes an average of 2 or 3 months to prefer well, why minimum would be 30 days. If you need to order additional sets of business marketing materials, you may need extra time.

If you have experience in public speaking and you think you have something intriguing to say to people, try to get yourself a time slot for individual speakers. Bear in mind that you have to be early with the proposal. Even if you’ve been declined for this year, the offer will make organizers recognize you and probably consider you for the next year. Speakers often get discounted boot space, and if you’re good enough you might even get paid for your speech.

If you’re feeling competitive, and of course you are, Β you will ask about your competitors. You will need to know which ones of them are attending and how big their booths are. This info is needed in order to one-up them, and there is no better feeling than overcoming your competition on the public stage.

Β Social Media

You shouldn’t underestimate the importance of social media. Make sure that your followers are updated about your attendance the event and location of your stand. If you feel wild you can use hashtags of the event so organizers might share your post on their page. The best way to look competitive is to employ full audio visual production to do promo videos and the full coverage of the event and post the videos on your page in the form of a video blog. Β If possible, post during the event, especially if you have a special feature or competition on your stand.

Promo Actions

It goes without saying that you should invest in good signage, and soon you will find it in a lot of photos. If you’re reserving a booth feel free to ask what kind of signages are allowed. It’s also wise to put coins in good light, so people will look good in the photos. There are also several marketing tricks to attract attendees to your stand. For starters, try to be innovative with giveaways and give your attendees freebies they can use and value instead of usual expendable gimmicks. Competitions are another great way to lure attendees because everyone likes feeling like a winner. Of course, in order for that to succeed the prices should be significant. If you’re offering a service or a product which “does something”, it won’t be enough to simply tell people, but you also have to perform a demonstration. On-stage demonstrations are another great crowd puller. Another good way to make people interested in your company is to create useful content. That might be reports, articles, sheets, and graphs, or any other free material for your visitors. Think of it as an investment in new customers.


Trade shows are a great way to present your product or service to a wider audience. If done right, a good presentation of your company can bring you a lot of new customers. However, it takes careful planning and a lot of preparation to do so. But everything pays off once you realized you overcame your competition and attracted a lot of new customers.

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Written by Neil White

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