
How to Make Your Guests Feel Comfortable When You Don’t Have a Guest Room

Every once in a while, we need to host some friends and relatives in our home. This might be for a night or two, but sometimes it can last longer. Either way, it is up to us to make their visit run smoothly even if they’ll use our living room as their guest room.

In order to be a great host, we need to make sure our guests feel comfortable in our living space. This is especially important if we do not have a spare room just for our guests.

But, this is not a deal-breaker for our guests because, with a few tips, you can still make their stay as pleasant as possible.

The Wifi password

Once your guests arrive, put down their luggage, and sit down their first question will be – What’s your wifi password? Write it down on a piece of paper and put it on a table or pin it on the fridge. Also, if you have a spare mobile charger, put it somewhere accessible for them. They’ll appreciate this more than you think.

Give them a tour of the apartment

No matter how close you are to your relatives and friends, you have to show them around and tell them where everything is (in case they need an iron in the middle of the night and they don’t want to wake you up). Let them know where the bathroom is, how to use the coffee machine, how to turn on the oven. If they smoke, you need to inform them of your smoking policy – in case it is allowed, give them an ashtray. If not, show them how they can access the terrace and smoke there. Let them know that they can ask if they need anything. This is also a polite way of informing them that snooping around your apartment is not allowed.

The bare essentials

Prepare some fresh linen and put it on the sofa. Add a few towels, slippers, and an extra toothbrush (because people often forget to pack their own). Show them where the hairdryer or any other handy hair styling tool is located. If your guests will be staying with you longer, empty some space in your closet so they can put away their clothes.  Give your guests a choice of pillow, too. Some like to sleep on a smaller pillow, while others like those big, fluffy ones. Pillow of their choice is the key to a good night’s rest.

The setting

If you don’t have a retractable bed, make sure you rearrange the furniture in your living room so you can fit an inflatable mattress easily. Also, you need to make sure your guests have enough privacy and that they can adjust the amount of light they wake up to. So, make sure to dress up your windows properly prior to their visit. You can choose light filtering honeycomb blinds or anything similar as these will easily allow the natural light to come in while allowing your guests to wake up to soft morning light.

Something extra

There are also a few extra items you can prepare for your guests before they arrive. Keep disposable earplugs on hand in case your guest is a light sleeper. An eye mask will definitely be a plus. If you pick a funny shaped one or the one with an interesting slogan, you’ll surely put a smile on their face. Additionally, this will allow you to move freely around the apartment in the morning while you are getting ready for work and they are asleep. If your guests like to watch television, show them how to use the remote and pick a channel of their choice. If they like to read, put out several books you think they’ll enjoy. This will also make their stay memorable as they’ll always associate this read with the time they once visited.

Before your guests arrive, make sure your apartment is clean and shiny. You don’t have to fret if something is out of place, or you’ve left your apartment in a hurry that morning and forgotten to wash the dishes. Make sure to prepare everything we’ve highlighted and do these things prior to their arrival. Once they realize the effort you’ve made, they will feel more than welcome.

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Written by Mianna korben

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