
How To Tackle Math Problems Effectively

Tackling math problems effectively requires a certain set of skills. There are a few ways to hone your skills in such a way. Let’s go through a few of them now.

1. Do not think of the problem as a “problem”

The first step is to think positively about the problem. Do not think of the problem as a problem.


Yeah, we agree. But if you don‘t think of the math problem in a positive sense, you’ll not be able to tackle the same effectively. So, our advice is to stop using the word “problem” when you are involved in your math homework. Use the term “sum”. That might raise your confidence at a level or two, thereby increasing your ability to tackle math sums.

2. You need to define the problem clearly

You need to see the challenge mentioned in the math problem clearly.

Is the problem causing you stress? Is it worrying you? If yes, accept the fact that the problem’s got the better of you. But remember that this is just a temporary situation. Soon after some practice and references, you’ll get the better of the math problem itself. Such thoughts will give you more confidence.

3. Approach the problem from various angles

Implement your critical thinking to the best of your abilities. And try to tackle the same from different angles. If plan-A fails, implement plan-B. The important thing to remember here is that do not lose heart. Be confident that you’ll be able to solve the problem.

4. Pick the best solution to the problem

You’ll see many problems having more than one solution. Always choose the simplest and the shortest of all. Choosing the best solution among all is one of the most effective ways of solving math problems.

5. Prepare yourself for the worst

You should always prepare yourself for failure. It’s simply impossible for any human being to be right all the time. Mistakes are bound to come.

Do not get depressed if you encounter one or more. If your solution doesn’t work, accept that fact. It’s not the end of the world. Prepare yourself again and try your solution again from a different angle.

6. Measure your progress

You must know whether you are actually making progress or not.

So, you should keep a record of it somewhere. If you successfully tackle a particularly difficult sum, you should keep a note of it that you succeeded in doing the same. You have made progress. Similarly, if you failed to tackle a sum, keep a note of the same so that you can get back to it later.

7. Set a deadline in your mind

Remember that time is an important factor. Your exams do not give you the luxury of time. So when you practice math sums, keep a deadline in your mind so that you make a habit of it and never miss the same during your exams.

Each and every math sum needs to be done within a certain time frame. Some will take more time than the other. Chalk these things out during your practice so that you do not run out of time during exams.

To be honest, no problem is beyond your capability. Some appear to be a little tricky than others because you are probably missing out on something to solve the same.

Maybe you are missing out on a piece of logic to solve the sum or you are unaware of the process involved to solve the same. Once you get the hang of it, it’ll just be a piece of cake. Professional math tutors can definitely look into it and inculcate the self-confidence in you. With that, we’ll sign off for now. Hope you had a good read.

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Written by Sudipto Das

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