
What Is Tartar on Teeth and How to Avoid It?

Tartar on teeth can be very annoying, especially in areas that cannot be easily accessed. Fortunately, there is a way to prevent and control it.

Dental hygiene is very important because teeth infections and problems can cause much bigger issues in the human organism. Because of that, it is vital to take proper care of your teeth and to know how you can prevent going to the dentist for any other reason besides your regular check-ups.

One of the issues that might happen with your teeth involves tartar on teeth buildup, which fortunately can be easily solved, and which will require profesional teeth cleaning. Plaque forming on teeth comes naturally as a result of bacteria mixing with the food residue in our mouth.

This combination of bacteria and food residue can become harmful. If it is not treated in the right way, it will result in a calcified, discolored layer forming on the teeth (and sometimes gums), which is known as tartar.
Can Tartar on Teeth Be Harmful?

Tarta on teeth can significantly make your daily dental routine worse because you will not be able to clean your teeth properly (which will result in further buildup on your teeth). By cleaning, we mean brushing and flossing. Both of those activities are essential if you want to maintain your dental hygiene.

Although people are often not afraid of tartar buildup mostly because it does not hurt, it can be very harmful, especially if it spreads above your gum line. As previously mentioned, tartar is formed as a result of a bacteria and food combination. Thus, the bacteria can easily damage the gums and cause further problems.

The mildest form of gum disease is called gingivitis, and luckily, it is very easily treated – with brushing, flossing, and regular check-ups with your dentist. However, if it is not treated, it can evolve into periodontitis, which can damage bones and jaw structure, and which requires much more effort to be cured than just brushing and flossing.

Studies have shown that having issues with bacteria in your mouth can have a negative effect on your heart, and can even be a cause of some heart diseases. To avoid that, make sure to follow the tips we are about to give you.
How to Prevent Issues With Teeth?

Sometimes we cannot prevent the issues that are happening with our teeth. For example, some deep cavity that has formed, or some other root issues. However, there are some things we can do to slow down or prevent issues from happening, and buildup on teeth is among those.

Of course, the first step is regular brushing, and we cannot stress the importance of it enough. The key here is not to exaggerate. Sometimes people tend to overbrush their teeth, thinking that they are doing themselves a favor. Too much brushing can also cause damage, by removing the natural protective layer of teeth.

It is recommended to brush your teeth 2 times per day, and for at least 2 minutes. Brushing 2 times per day, but doing it faster (30 seconds, for example), will do nothing, and the plaque buildup would still be there. When you are brushing, make sure to reach all the corners of your teeth, especially the ones that are in the back of your mouth. That area is specifically dangerous because it is very hard to notice plaque or tartar buildup there.

Also, the type of brush you are using plays a significant role in the whole process of teeth cleaning. Too soft bristles may not be effective when it comes to plaque removal, while overly harsh bristles can damage teeth.Finding a balance is what will do the work for most people. Additionally, electric brushes may seem like a better choice, based on a recent study that was conducted. It was proven that electric brushes are more effective in cleaning your teeth than manual ones.

If you want to take extra care of your teeth, then you also need to choose the type of toothpaste very carefully. People who are known to be more prone to tartar issues should use special tartar-control toothpaste. It contains fluoride, which is known to help repair superficial damage. Such toothpaste may even contain triclosan, which is a substance that helps fight the bacteria that causes plaque in the first place.

Another key step in your daily routine should be the habit of flossing. No matter how proficient you might think you are with the toothbrush, there are some places the toothbrush cannot reach. Those hardly approachable places can only be accessed with a floss, and that is the main and most important reason why you should floss every day.

If you choose not to floss, then regular brushing will have no effect since the plaque and tartar would still begin to form in areas the brush cannot reach.

Besides these basic ones, there are also other things you can do to prevent tartar from forming on your teeth, such as the following:

Using antiseptic mouthwash on a regular basis – it will help with removing the bacteria from your mouth;
Taking care of what you eat – if you are eating too much food that contains sugar, then you will be more prone to plaque;
Don’t smoke – cigarettes can be very harmful to your overall health, and also cause tooth discoloration and surface layer damage, further developing into the tooth tartar.
Can You Naturally Remove Tartar Buildup?

Depending on how long you’ve been having tartar buildup on your teeth, some home remedies can be more or less effective.

One of the simplest things you can do at home is use baking soda on a brush to clean the tartar buildup and whiten the teeth even further. Just put a small amount of the powder on your toothbrush and brush your teeth as you would regularly. However, don’t rinse it right away – leave the baking soda in your mouth for at least 15 minutes, in order to give the powder some time to work.

If you don’t mind using vinegar, you can make your own mouthwash at home, by mixing vinegar with salty water. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with this mixture once a day. It will help you remove the tartar buildup that has formed in areas that are not easily accessible (between two teeth near the gums, for example).

The last home remedy we will mention is the use of an orange peel. Just take one and rub it onto your teeth and gums. The vitamin C from the orange will help the tartar dissolve, and it will also kill some of the bacteria that can be found in your mouth.

But, if you really want it to be done well, you should just go for professional dental cleaning. You can do it yourself to a degree, but a professional tooth cleaning can make googling “what is tartar buildup” a thing of the past for you.

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