
5 Things That Can Go Wrong On Your Wedding Day And How To Avoid Them

Getting married is one of the most important, life-changing events in your lifetime. So, naturally, you want everything to go according to a plan. That’s why you should start planning everything months in advance.

However, there are circumstances and situations you just won’t be able to predict. No matter how strictly you are sticking to a plan, at least one thing will probably go wrong. But nothing has to be as disastrous as it seems. Be prepared to solve a problem or a minor issue without freaking out. Here’s the list of 5 things that can go wrong on your wedding day and how to avoid them.

1. Food and supplies

As you’ve planned everything months in advance you can relax and wait for your big day. Wrong! Last-minute changes are usually the worst, especially when it comes to something you just can’t fix in a day. When it comes to food, change of plans can be tricky and expensive, especially if you want to change an entire menu. But if you’ve ordered food in advance from your local caterer you should be all set.

However, what happens if your caterer or vendor cancels on you? The important thing is not to panic. You can always call your venue and ask for recommendations. They probably have connections around the city. In addition to that, you can ask your friends and family to help you find a replacement. Include everyone in the search. Surely, there will be someone who can help. Don’t worry, your guests won’t stay hungry.

2. Bad weather

Having your wedding outside is super romantic. Saying your vows by the beach while waves crashing on the shore or kissing your spouse in a beautiful fantastic park is amazing. But don’t forget that the weather can change quickly. No groom or bride wants to deal with horrible weather on their wedding day, but if it starts pouring, there’s nothing much you can do than go with the flow.

You shouldn’t stress about things you can’t control. Try having a positive outlook on the situations and search for the reasons why you’dΒ want rain on your wedding day. You’ll have beautiful and unique photographs, and you can even expect a rainbow! But if you dislike the rain so much, maybe you should consider having your wedding indoors. In addition to that, you should always pick the place and date carefully.

3. People count

Saying you’ll attend the wedding implies you’ll be at the event. Canceling last-minute is considered rude, as well as not showing up. But there are situations that we just can’t control. If your guest is sick, it’s natural that health comes before the wedding. But having empty seats may look depressing.

Don’t fret! You can always ask your venue or organizer to remove the extra seats before the reception starts. If your guests don’t show up without letting you know, ask your friends or bridesmaids to spread their purses and jackets on empty seats so the table doesn’t look empty.

4. Running behind on a schedule

One of the biggest problems, not only at weddings but generally, is being late. Sometimes guests just don’t appear on time even though the schedule is specified on the invitation. Other times they just don’t do what they’re supposed to unless told otherwise. If the lunch is planned at 1 pm, but guests start to arrive at that time, everything on the schedule will be moved for an hour or so.

The bigger problem is the late bride. Yes, everything needs to be perfect from hair and makeup, dress to the shoes, but being late to your own wedding is never good. To arrive at your wedding on time, make sure you have adequate transportation.Β Classic wedding cars for hire are the best choice for you and your significant other to arrive in style. Besides that, you’ll have original and amazing photographs in classy cars.

5. Not getting enough photos

Even though this may seem like a minor issue, a lot of people stress about photographs from their wedding days. This wedding β€œtragedy” occurs more often than it should, and it happens for various reasons. Maybe your best friend wasn’t around when you were taking a group photo, or you look weird in a photo with your significant other. All these things can leave you disappointed.

To prevent that from happening, make sure your photographer has a list of all the essential people you want to include in your group shots. Also, ask them forΒ tips for posing in your wedding pictures so you don’t come out looking unnatural or weird.

Even though wedding disasters can’t be predicted, it’s important to stay level-headed. Don’t panic, everything can be settled with a phone call or two. However, it is important to plan ahead, and have a schedule for your big day so not a single formality is missed. Don’t forget to have fun, after all, it’s your wedding day.

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Written by Daria Winters

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