
How to Be a Unicorn in a Sea Of Donkeys

A sea is a multitude of billions of drops of water where each drop is as important as the other drop but no one really notices the difference, because they all are felt the same way. Similarly, the concept reflects the same idea for a group of people, working under the same roof. To stand out from a group, you need to implement small habits in your daily routine.

The changes are not too complicated and neither are they too difficult to adhere but integrating them into your daily life could prize you with an inspiring personality and easily help in shining among your group.

Some of the strategies and habits that you should integrate in your daily life are as follows;

Your Habits and Personality

Your daily habits define your personality and, your personality defines who you are. Altogether, managing to change your habits help in becoming a better person.

Being Disciplined and Committed

 These are one of the most important features for having an influential personality. For entrepreneurs, these attributes are considered vital for an individual and also for anyone possessing disciplinary habits facing limited difficulties which could not be resolved. These skills build up patience, helps in being committed to your word, and eventually results in becoming a professional in the business you deal.

Knowing Yourself from a Different Perspective

 Considering other people’s opinion about you, it can help in assessing your weaknesses and strengths while learning from it, and then shaping it to improve yourself largely helps in making yourself a better person.

Believing in Yourself

 Believing in your ideas and your vision is a step no one else can take for you. Your ideas and your vision depend upon the firmness. If you fail to believe in yourself, your ideas and your reality cease to exist. Therefore, it is essential to be confident about your work, your ideas, and especially yourself.


It is important to maintain and adhere positivity in your life. To live in a positive environment, it is essential to preach positivity to the people closest to you. One of the ways of bringing out positive aspects in a person is to communicate with them.


It is the only way to learn about the people that you surround yourself with. Listening is an important skill to develop, as it not only helps you in understanding different perspectives and ideas but also helps in building trust and strong relations with others. At the same time, learning to communicate with others in an immaculate, pristine and a respectful way is another essential skill to acquire as it helps to deliver your thoughts and ideas in an influential way.


People tend to love working with a person who not only is energetic but also pushes others to be their best selves. Encouraging others helps in maintaining a better and positive environment for everyone to be working and living in.


Being the first and being one step ahead of others, in everything is always beneficial and leaves an impact on others. Actively anticipating your work and, being aware and involved in everything related to it is noticed by everyone, and easily helps you in standing out of your group.

Creative thinking

Everyone sees and thinks the same way but the perspective of looking at things differently is what counts and can easily help in standing out. Giving out new thoughts and ideas and thinking outside the box always works out in your favor and leaves an impression on others.

Providing results

It is important to acquire a powerful and inspiring personality but even more important and influential thing is to produce results. Producing results is the most strenuous thing to do yet, it has the ability to leave a towering amount of impression on anyone. Therefore, at least aiming to be the best at what you do is an absolute necessity. Achievements speak out for themselves and help you and your skills to be recognized by your peers and heads.

These abilities and skills are not too difficult to obtain, once in a habit of keeping them. They help you in standing out from a group of people and sheds lights on your achievements and contributions, helping you become a Unicorn in the sea of Donkeys.


Sara is a professional logo designer working for the logo design agency in UAE. She designs logos and website for clients. She is associated with this company for 2 years and have 8 years of working experience as a designer In the market.You can follow her on FACEBOOK | TWITTER | LINKEDIN

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Written by KellimWorthington

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