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Smart Locks are the New Trend Boosting the E-commerce Business

Smart Locks are the New Trend Boosting the Ecommerce Business
Smart Locks are the New Trend Boosting the Ecommerce Business

Ecommerce has been on a tremendous rise ever since companies like Amazon started offering huge discounts to its customers and several ways to make every day feels like Christmas. This is one reason why shopping portals and ecommerce ventures now report brisk sales year round. But this was not the case just 5-6 years ago as globally companies were reeling from the after-effects of the financial turmoil of 2007-8. Let me offer you an insight about this aspect in a bit detail first before moving on to the main topic.

It is a foregone conclusion that companies around the world got hit by the financial crises and were caught in the red. Their sales started to dwindle as people around the world also were taken aback by the lack of job opportunities and hence the extra disposable income to shop electronic gadgets for themselves or gifts for their loved ones. Things started to improve a bit once companies offered huge discounts at bargain prices. But still the people were skeptical. Companies started using every trick in the book like taking the assistance of SEO companies or paid ads to woo customers on their portals.

The Huge Turnaround for the World Economy

The things started to improve at the start of 2013 as companies across the world especially in the US had a sigh of relief because Barack Obama was elected for the second term of his presidency. Businesses as a whole want sustainability and uniformity in the policies and that’s why the companies having their business headquartered in the US were happy. With the USA being the world’s largest economy, the ripple effect was soon felt across the board.

Consumers worldwide felt buoyant as a result of several other factors too, in particular and many shopping portals in general, started to get the benefits. With positive sentiments from customers, most of them started to order a number of products and soon ecommerce started to witness the boom they were yearning for some time. But customers faced one little problem that turned out to be huge.

Shipment Returned as Customer not at Home. What to do?

Suppose you have ordered a brand new iPhone but for some reason you need to visit one of your friends and your shipment came right after that. Obviously it will be returned. So what to do. This started to happen so often in the past and this is still a problem and both the companies and the customers seems to be thinking ways to avoid this. Valentin Romanov experienced this once and he found a clever way to avoid this.

Valentin Romanov works as an IT manager in Stockholm, Sweden. When his parcel of a discounted toilet disinfectant never arrived because of his long hours at job, he devised a clever strategy. He installed a special lock on the entrance of his flat and the delivery man was able to locate the key, went inside the flat and left the parcel. Simple solution isn’t it? But don’t you feel insecure as the delivery man can turn nasty knowing that he is all alone at your home? Many companies started to think about this problem and finally come out triumphant with a winning solution.

Β Smart Locks/ Wireless Connected Locks are the Future

August Inc. is one such firm which specializes in home automation as they offer Wi-Fi connected doors, locks and doorbell cameras. In short, they offer the perfect solution for the problem mentioned above. You can order a wireless connected lock which a courier’s delivery boy can open using a using a password with your prior and temporary approval. All the action will be filmed with an indoor security camera paired with the lock. Amazon was the again among-st the first few companies to offer in-home deliveries in 37 American cities now and they are making a merry as having a huge first-mover’s advantage.

Will you feel safe by having such a facility for your next delivery at home? Or any of your friends have used this technology recently? Please share your experience with us by using the comments section below.

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Written by Irfan Ahmed Khan

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