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Which is the Best X Ray Machine and How to Choose Right One for Your Hospital

An X-Ray is a basic imaging test done to view inside a human body without making an incision. It helps a doctor to identify, observe and treat many medical conditions.

There is a wide variety of x-ray devices available depending on its size and power. They can be classified into three types, namely, portable x-ray apparatus, mobile x-ray apparatus and fixed x-ray apparatus. If you are a doctor, you must be aware of their utility and the cost involved to buy these devices.

In the ever-changing world of healthcare, technology plays the major role. In early times, the x-ray devices did not give a clear image. With the advanced technology coming to the market, the digital x-ray has gained more importance giving a clear scanned image to diagnose. The conventional computed radiography (CR) has become dated and digital x-ray systems is now preferred.

The cost of such advanced technology is sky high. Doctors are now switching from old x-ray device to the new digital one. The only concern they have is regarding the finance to buy such expensive medical equipment. Many doctors find a way by agreeing on mutual usage and benefits policy with other doctors and pathologies, while few doctors wish to invest to earn a long-run profit.

Those doctors who wish to invest and buy the x-ray device can get easy financial assistance from the leading lenders who offer a Business Loan Doctors. A doctor loan is a form of a personal loan, especially for the doctors. This loan can be used by doctors to improve the infrastructure of their clinic or hospital, for purchasing costly equipment or for any other personal use like wedding, car, etc.

A doctor loan can provide up to Rs.2 crore of the loan amount at an affordable interest rate. Its benefit includes loan disbursement within 24 hours, service at your doorstep and minimal documentation with a wide tenor that ranges from 12-96 months for an unsecured loan.

Now when you know that you have a helping hand to take care of your financial needs, you should now intrigue to buy an x-ray device for your hospital. But before that learn few easy steps to choose the right device.

4 Steps to buy an X-Ray device

1. Evaluate: Few vendors will give you an ill-advice while choosing digital imaging. Most digital x-ray systems provide better images than what you see on the film. Buying these devices do involves bigger cost initially, but will pay itself over a period. Search the market as there are many trusted brands that offer you devices at varied prices, so all you need to do is evaluate them at your terms.

2. Choose what you need: Need for devices completely depends on what you are willing to serve. For understanding your need, you should analyze the patient volume. For any mid-sized or large practices or hospitals, digital imaging will be the best choice. All the images are organized and easily accessed. These digital images are easy to transmit to the marked specialists.

3. Finance your equipment:Β As you already know by now, which device you will buy, now you should consider the funding part. Few leading loan providers like Bajaj Finserv arrive right at your service for your financial assistance. As mentioned earlier, a doctor loan can prove to be the best loan for large amount investment that you need to get the x-ray device at your doorstep.

4. Plan for future:Β Think about even the future needs! Will the current technology be able to sustain in future or some new technology will surpass it? Think wisely before choosing the right device for the hospital.

The Bottom Line

Now that you are of the latest medical technologies as discussed, why not invest in it and make the most of it? It could help your hospital have a smooth run by making a niche in treating patients faster! If you have a shortage of funds, avail a doctor loan at a lower interest rate from leading lenders.

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Written by anujkrpandey

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