
Medical Clinics – The Differences among Clinics

As more people are seeking holistic and personalized care, doctors are opening clinics meeting the needs of their patients. Specialized clinics and outpatient centers like San Fernando medical clinic provide viable options to patients who are scared or uncomfortable about visiting big hospitals for help with medical problems. The smaller clinics are technologically equipped to manage diseases which require weeks, months or even years of treatment.

There are different kinds of medical clinics offering various services in line with the requirements of the patients.

  • Free Clinics:

Clinics registered under the National Association of Free Clinics offer services including medical, dental, and other specialist medical services. For individuals with financial problems, free clinics are the perfect solution. Although these clinics are not advanced and do not cope-up with new researches and critical diseases, for minor physical ailments, they work quite well. Keep in mind, they may be overworked and understaffed, but they will be staffed by general physicians, orthopedic doctors, dentists, etc. Some may even have pharmacies on site, and free clinics are often found in areas of low-income housing.

  • Personalized Clinics:

As the name suggests, personalized clinics offer compassionate care for many diseases ranging from diabetes, heart diseases to gastrointestinal problems. They may also offer preventive medication which helps to promote overall well-being and help patients maintain their health. Patients can schedule routine visits, and these clinics are well-suited for treating ailments and diseases for all members of a family. The staff and doctors of such clinics are highly trained and usually carry extensive experience.

  • General Outpatient Clinics:

These types of clinics are commonly found in rural areas where they accommodate the local communities. These clinics offer primary, ongoing and acute care and not all these types of clinics offer the same services. The location and needs of the local community determine the clinic’s setup and specialists hired. In most cases, general outpatient clinics tend to take more extensive health insurance coverage as the payment options.

  • Β Convenient Care Clinics:

Convenient care clinics are those medical clinics you find in supermarkets or a pharmacy. These medical clinics are often referred to as retail-based clinics and are run by general physicians or pharmacists. They are cheaper to visit for basic treatments like blocked nose or fever. Services like physical exams, preventative care, and vaccinations may or may not and are often dependent on the qualification of the physician or pharmacist managing the clinic.

  • Specialist Clinics:

As the name suggests, specialist clinics offer treatments for specific health conditions, illnesses, or body parts. Specialist medical clinics are quite expensive as compared to other clinic types. Examples of specialist medical clinics include prosthesis clinics, family planning clinics, fertility clinics, rehabilitation clinics, and more.

Most medical clinics incline to provide care at lower costs as compared to hospitals. Additionally, they also offer personalized care and a more humane touch to patients, which bigger hospitals are usually unable to provide. Therefore, it is essential to know what type of care, service, or specialist you need for your condition before approaching one.

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Written by Shalani Singh

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