
6 Things That Can Ruin A Wedding Day For The Bride

Every bride wants her wedding ceremony to be perfect. What will make her ceremony perfect? It’s something that is always individual and depends on personal preference. While some couples go for a big wedding ceremony, others go for an intimate and small setting. Either way, all of them have one thing in common – they want it to be flawless and stress-free as possible. Here are some things to avoid if you don’t want your wedding to be a disaster.

Misplaced wedding rings

The last thing the bride and groom have in their minds when they say the I do is that something can go wrong. Misplaced wedding rings can take the getting to the “I do” can take a bit longer. On the morning of the wedding check with the ring bearer and make sure he or she has the rings. Also, ask someone close to the ring bearer to check this once again before they leave the house.

Ripped dress

Since the wedding dresses are not like your typical dresses, some precaution is in order. Depending on the type of wedding dress, moving freely and easily between tight spaces can be challenging. This is especially true if the bride is wearing a princess style wedding dress. There are layers and layers of fabric and one can easily rip it if it gets caught on a piece of furniture. Some rips won’t be noticeable while others can be a disaster. Make sure at least one bridesmaid has a sewing kit in her bag and fabric tape so any damage can be repaired quickly.

Caterer misunderstanding

Since caterer misunderstanding is a very likely event, do everything you can to prevent this. That’s the main reason why a proper wedding planning timeline is essential. At least one month before the wedding, touch base with all your vendors – florist, decorations, food caterer and the baker responsible for the cake. Go through your order together in person or over the phone to make sure everything goes according to plan. A day before the wedding call them up again and check that everything goes right according to your wedding timeline.

Booking a band without seeing their song list

Boring music is a dealbreaker when it comes to wedding ceremonies. Never book a band if you’re not sure about their playlist and the quality of their performance. Some wedding music bands often have their song list on their website and a few videos of them performing. This will show you just what they can do and what to expect at your wedding. Trust your gut and go for an experienced band over any other suggestion. Even if your friend offers to sort this out for you because he knows a great band, don’t let someone else decide for you. Do your research, analyze the wedding band playlist and find something you like.

Someone has caused an unpleasant scene

Wedding ceremonies are often the reason why former lovers, ex-spouses,  and estranged family members are stuck at the same place and at the same time. Even if they’ve been avoiding these awkward encounters for years, they can’t avoid them forever. In order to prevent these people from causing an unexpected scene, put your undivided attention to the seating chart. Plan it right in advance and make sure these people are not sitting anywhere near each other. Also, let every one of them know in advance that their ex or a former friend is also one of the guests. This way you’ll indirectly tell them to behave nicely at your wedding

Not having a plan B

In order to have a flawless wedding ceremony, you need to tackle the what-ifs. What if it rains? We’ll move the ceremony indoors. What if the vegan food runs out? We’ll serve them salads arranged differently than on the table. Basically, you need to have a backup plan for every possible emergency. If you plan the wedding on your own, you need to make a list of backup plans in case of an emergency. Those who hire an experienced wedding planner can leave this task to them. But, they should also discuss this contingency plan before the wedding.

The most important thing is to remember to check everything before the wedding. You should also plan a list of possible solutions to an unexpected chain of events and deal with minor disasters in style. Even if minor mishaps happen, you shouldn’t get frustrated. Instead, go with the flow and enjoy your wedding.

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Written by Mianna korben

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