
5 Indoor Activities for a Fun Winter

Winter is finally around the corner, and if you were looking for some fun indoor activities you can indulge in, you’re in the right place! Here are five of them you should check out, so keep on reading and enjoy!

Make delicious homemade hot chocolate

Is there anything that screams winter more than a perfect cup of homemade hot chocolate? Nope, we don’t think so, which is exactly why this activity has found its place at the top of our list. Start with placing 2 ounces of chocolate, 1/3 cup of granulated sugar, 4 cups of milk, and a pinch of salt in a medium-size saucepan over low heat. When the chocolate starts to melt, keep stirring the mixture until it becomes smooth. Then add ½ teaspoon of vanilla, stir it once again, and pour the hot chocolate into mugs. Top your hot chocolate with whipped cream or a spoonful of marshmallows, and voila – you’re all done!

Host a karaoke night…

If you’re thinking about throwing a karaoke party, we must say that this is one of the best indoor activities you can opt for this winter. Of course, the first step is inviting your closest friends, neighbors, and family members and to make enough snacks to feed all of them. Then come up with a playlist, download everyone’s favorite songs, and prepare your karaoke machine. If you still don’t have one, you can surely find it either online or in a store near your home. The last thing left is to put a smile on your face and get the party started!

…Or a fun costume party for your best friends

On the other hand, if you’re up for something more exciting than a karaoke night, you should step up your game and throw a fun costume party instead! Needless to say, the first thing you should do is to search the Internet for some interesting Winter Wonderland costumes. You can choose a costume theme related to sport, and dress like a cool ice skater, or a more magical one, like a fairy, a cute snowman, and a silver goddess. However, if you’re a huge fan of popular TV shows like Game of Thrones, you can always opt for a Jon Snow or any other character that caught your attention. Once you’ve picked out your costume, all you need to do is to invite your guests, find a good DJ, and enjoy your fabulous costume party!

Bake yummy chocolate chip cookies

If you’re one of those people who simply can’t imagine winter without yummy chocolate chip cookies, welcome to the club! Making these has never been easier, and the first thing you should do is to preheat the oven to 180°C. Then whisk 315g of all-purpose flour, 1 ¼ teaspoon of baking soda, and ¾ teaspoon of fine sea salt in a large bowl. Add 2 sticks of softened unsalted butter, 200g of granulated sugar, 200g of brown sugar, and 1 ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract to a different bowl and use a mixer to blend them all together. Add 2 large eggs to the mixture and then add dry ingredients, one third at a time. The last step is adding chocolate chips and baking the cookies or 15 to 18 minutes!

Learn latte art and sip your own homemade latte

If you’ve ever tried to make latte art but it never actually worked, it’s about time you learned the basics and made your flawless homemade latte this winter! Firstly, you must know that there are three main phases of making latte art. You should start with making the perfect foam, so pour enough cold milk into a steam pitcher, turn on the steam, spin the milk, turn on the steam once again, shut the steam, and swirl the milk vigorously in the end. The next step is pulling your espresso, and the ideal shot should be pulled between 21 and 24 seconds. The last step is adding the milk and making latte art, and there’s one thing we have to say – practice makes it perfect!


As you can see, you don’t have to leave your house to have a lot of fun this winter. On the contrary, you can stay in the comfort of your home and opt for amazing indoor activities instead, so give these five a try and you’ll see what we were talking about. Having a great time is guaranteed!

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Written by Emma Williams

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