
5 key aspects of On-page SEO

If you want more traffic for your website, then Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a must. SEO is a vast field and covers various aspects like on-page, off-page and technical SEO. However, unlike off-page SEO, you have complete control over the content you write for on-page SEO. Therefore, it is critical that you get your content right. The biggest mistake that you can make is to think that you are perfect when it comes to SEO. Getting digital marketing services from a reliable agency may not be a bad idea after all. It shall only help you get better because in this day and age with upcoming Google updates and increased competition, you have to constantly innovate to stay ahead of the bar. This article discusses the fundamental on-page SEO checklist that you should keep in mind while writing your content.

5 key aspects of On-page SEO

On-page SEO is a broad field with numerous important features that you should keep in mind while writing. However, for the sake of simplicity, we shall only be taking into account the most important and fundamental ones in this article.

Keyword research

Before starting to make changes to your content, do some keyword research. Think about the keyword that you shall be targeting. While thinking about the keyword, take into account what sort of product or service you are trying to provide and what exactly do the customers want. Also consider the amount of competition a keyword has. After deciding upon these you can come up with long tail keywords (which are very specific search queries). Long tail keywords can be the best choice for you as they allow you to produce content that is specific to user needs and also has lesser competition.

Appropriate URL

URLs- which can be thought of as links- are an important part of search results. They appear right underneath the title. Having a URL which includes your keyword helps Google understand what your site is about. On the other hand, having a URL which is complicated tends to look bad to the user on first look and creates a negative impression.


The title of your article is the most important aspect of our content. It is the first thing that you have to get right in order to grab the attention of your reader. Otherwise, if your title is not catch or relevant, no one shall bother reading the remaining content. Your keyword must be a part of your title. This is necessary because it shall make Google see how relevant your content is to the search query.

Meta Description

Meta Description is the little snippet that shows underneath the title and URL in Google search results. It is important as it gives the user an idea about what to expect from the content of the page that they shall be opening. Therefore, it is vital as a poor Meta description might lead to lower traffic for your website. As an effective on-page SEO technique, the Meta description should include your keyword. This will help increase the relevance and reliability of your content for Google, which eventually leads to better rankings.

Image SEO

Images are an essential part of SEO in 2019 as wordy content is no longer going to get you higher rankings in 2019. Images can help make the content more visually appealing for readers. One apt use of images is in form of infographics which can give information at one place and hence, saves time.


To conclude, it can be said that in order to get more traffic and have higher rankings in Google, effective On-page SEO is a compulsion. However, if you want perfection, you can avail services from a trustworthy digital marketing agency. This shall not only help you achieve success but can also save your time which you can then give to other aspects of your website or business. No matter how tough and competitive effective SEO might seem, you can always succeed if you do the basics right and innovate to stay ahead of others.

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Written by Zoe

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